With home building, comes the process of making lots and lots of decisions. Don't get us wrong, we love making decisions, and thankfully we both have similar tastes as to what we want in our home, but there are so many things first time homeowners never think of! Luckily, we have some great tools to make our decisions easier.
#1- our builder has an online selection system to keep track of everything! From the stone color to the carpet, we can see every detail marked down and every comment made.
#2- We're not procrastinators. As you know, Ryan and I don't procrastinate...I'm not even sure if I know what that word means. We like to do things ahead of schedule, so if there are any bumps in the road, we can take care of them before things get NUTS. So far, all of the "big decisions" have been made on the house. And now we get to focus on the fun and pretty things that makes a house a home.
#3- detail oriented. Well, I guess this is more of an Amberly thing rather than a Ryan thing...he's my "big picture" guy. I tend to get some weird high when I research things to find the best buy, the best quality or the best deal. Take for instance our flooring situation....
Our builder has given us an allowance for wood flooring in our kitchen and our dining room. I may be crazy, because this selection doesn't need to be made until probably April...but I want to make sure we have all of the options. Last night I spent over an hour at Menards checking out wood floors, after being asked 10 different times if I needed help, I decided it was time to leave. However, my search continues...on to Nebraska Furniture Mart today and possibly Lowe's and Home Depot tomorrow :) Wish me luck!