Change is good, right? Amberly and I are in the midst of a transition our lives have yet to experience. Within a 30 day span we will graduate Ryan from MBA school, move Amberly out of her apartment, move Ryan out of his house, celebrate the birth of our savior Jesus Christ, move into our new apartment, attend a good friends wedding, celebrate the new year, have a bachelor party, have a bachelorette party, set up for our wedding, get married, go on a honeymoon and have Ryan begin his career with Gallup. Other than that, things have been slow...
While this is certainly the most hectic month of our lives, we have reflected on the ever present blessings that have been given to us during this time. These blessings are not taken lightly in a time when blessings for many seem few and far between. In fact, each significant event listed above is made possible only through the support, financial and otherwise, by our family and friends. It is certain, we owe much to those around us. I'm not sure if it was the book of Luke, or Uncle Ben in Spiderman who first said "to whom much is given, much is expected," but either way, the point rings true.
So, in the midst of unyielding doom and gloom, reported globally on a perpetual basis, take a moment to count your blessings. How much have you been given? and more important, what is expected of you? As Amberly and I manage the change in our life, it becomes clear much is expected of us. As Ronald Reagan once said "All great change in America begins at the dinner table," meaning, with family. Our changes have certainly been made possible through our family who have instilled into us values, character and stunning good looks!
Have a great Christmas!
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