Monday, December 28, 2009
In Loving Remembrance
Yesterday, December 27th, Amberly's cousin, Klayton, was called home to the Lord. Klayton was 25, a brave marine, a caring husband, a wonderful uncle, and most of all an honorable and lovable man. Thank you lord for blessing us with his life and may he watch over us from his new home in heaven.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to all of our friends and family!
Forgive us for the hiatus of blog posts lately, my computer has been on "donotwanttowork" mode lately, and since that's where all of our pictures are stored...we can't seem to blog without any pictures. However, this is no excuse for some good ol' fashion updates. Ryan and I have been busy lately. December brought a get together at our friend's Beth and Cody Kluver's home while watching the Big 12 Championship, Christmas cookie baking, exchanging stocking stuffers, work christmas parties, ice skating, and enjoying the beautiful snowfall and winter weather that God has given us.
I have noticed that bad weather usually puts people in bad moods. On facebook today, it seemed like every other status was blaming mother nature for not being able to be with their loved ones this Christmas. Now, I realize people have to plan out work schedules and family schedules in advance, so its not so easy to just pick up and head out the door whenever a storm might be on its way. I just wish we could all see the beauty in every little thing God gives us. For me, and I think I can speak for Ryan as well, snow and chilly weather reminds us of Christmas. Just this morning as I was driving to work, I was singing along to Christmas carols as I was bundled up in my coat and mittens. Christmas isn't about cookies, presents, trees or parties. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. So when tempers flare around this Christmas time, remember the true reason you are celebrating.
My family just got word today that my 25 year old cousin, Klayton, is starting hospice care. A very intense form of cancer started in his lungs in September and has spread through his bones and has reached his brain. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers this Christmas season as well.
May you and your family and friends be so very blessed this Christmas Season and all year through. Remember that life's a gift, God's greatest blessing of all.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Today is Ryan's 25th Birthday! Thank you Ryan for blessing my life with your presence. Every day I am so grateful to have such a fabulous, loving, and devoted husband. Thanks for always making me smile! You are the best husband a girl could ever ask for! I love you, and Happy Birthday!
Here are just a few pictures of "little bubba"...Enjoy!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Bridal Shower for Brie
The Sunday of Brie and Jason's visit, my mom and I decided to throw a bridal shower for her. Since Brie lives in San Diego, we thought this would be a great time to celebrate her engagement and upcoming nuptials. It was great to see lots of friends and family members...we played games, had some yummy food and of course had lots and lots of girl chat. Ryan and I are getting very excited to head out to San Diego for Brie and Jason's wedding in March. Drumroll please....the wedding is 4 months away! and we can't wait! It has been just wonderful having Brie and Jason here for an extended period of time, and we're so thankful for the amount of time we've gotten to spend with them.
The Mihulka Side of the Family
Mihulka Cousins
Brie and Grandma
The 3 of us..Brie, Mom and Me
Monday, November 2, 2009

If you've never played Partini! We HIGHLY suggest it. Partini is kind of like Cranium, wait, its exactly like Cranium with a different name, I guess either one will do! :) We had such a great time playing Partini when my parents and brie and jason visited. Not only did we enjoy the game, but I think we'll have many inside jokes for years to come. Throughout the night, a vase was broken, many comments were made about apples for bobbing for bobbing for apples, and we found out that you must use just the right amount of clay for the clay smoothie game....or else things get wierd. We highly suggest Partini!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
21st Birthday
After telling Jared that Brie and Jason and Mom and Dad would meet up with him later on in the weekend, Ryan and I decided we would take him out to dinner for his actual birthday (Wednesday) instead. But what Jared didn't know was that Brie and Jason were flying in early for his birthday and they were already at the restaurant. When we walked in to Buzzard Billy's Jared was surprised to see Brie and Jason and mom and dad sitting at the table with birthday cheer!
Happy 21st Birthday Jared! We hope you had a great night!
Checking the ID
Monday, October 26, 2009
A Lincoln Reunion
This past weekend, Ryan and I got the chance to catch up with some college friends in Lincoln. Our friend, Stephanie was visiting from Dallas, so we all decided to head out to her favorite Nebraska restaurant, Lazlo's! The food was soooo good and the conversation even better. There's something about old friends...(forgive my cheesy analogy here)...they're like your favorite sweater, although you may not wear it for a few seasons it still fits just right and is just as cozy when you put it on again. I always feel like we can all pick up where we left off last time and continue on just chatting like there was never any time in between.
Friday was great and so was Saturday night. We attended a Halloween Housewarming party for our friends Matt and Rachael Breck. We got to hang out at their new pad and even donned some great Halloween costumes (we were golfers, of course).
Sunday was filled with Vikings football and some more house hunting/lot looking. I'm not sure if the lot looking really goes together, but I thought it fit nicely.
If we don't post before Saturday, HAPPY HALLOWEEN to all of you!
Friday was great and so was Saturday night. We attended a Halloween Housewarming party for our friends Matt and Rachael Breck. We got to hang out at their new pad and even donned some great Halloween costumes (we were golfers, of course).
Sunday was filled with Vikings football and some more house hunting/lot looking. I'm not sure if the lot looking really goes together, but I thought it fit nicely.
If we don't post before Saturday, HAPPY HALLOWEEN to all of you!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Happy Halloween!
Happy Early Halloween!!
Ryan and I decided that we would start our own tradition and carve pumpkins this year just like we did when we were kids. Our pumpkin adventure began with a trip to the grocery store to pick out the best pumpkins. I picked out a cute medium sized pumpkin, and Ryan picked out one of the largest of the bunch. What we didn't realize about these pumpkins is that they had been sitting outside for the past couple of weeks...with the colder weather we've been having, they were a bit frozen, which would make our task a tad more difficult.
After working hard to get all of the gunk out, we decided to create our masterpieces. But first it was pumpkin seed time. Our recipe said to let the pumpkin seeds dry overnight, but if you know us...we're not patient people. So we improvised (see pictures below) and in 15 minutes the seeds were dry and ready for preparation!
After about 45 minutes of carving and beautifying our pumpkins, it was time for apple cider and the big reveal. We turned off all the lights in the apartment and lit the candles inside. It was very exciting, verrry exciting! We hope you all have a Happy Halloween!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Bowling...Austad Style
That's Right! Just like the title says, we went bowling...Austad Style (and Rubin style!). We were lucky to have a quick visit from Mom and Dad Austad and lovely Miss Abbie too! So what's better than a little friendly bowling competition? There might have been some smack talk before the games started, but when Mike surprised us with his own personal bowling ball, we knew it was on! A few gutter balls, spares, splits, and even a few strikes later...Mike was the overall winner! Good work Mike! Abbie was also a winner too, enjoying the arcade games at the bowling alley, Abbie came up with 6 different prizes from the night! See her picture below!
At the moment I'm hanging out at our place waiting for Ryan to arrive back from Kansas City! I've got the fireplace going and the cozy socks on...this 40 and 30 degree weather is quite a change from the end of September, but I'm not complaining one bit! I'll be enjoying my spiced tea in T-5 minutes :)

At the moment I'm hanging out at our place waiting for Ryan to arrive back from Kansas City! I've got the fireplace going and the cozy socks on...this 40 and 30 degree weather is quite a change from the end of September, but I'm not complaining one bit! I'll be enjoying my spiced tea in T-5 minutes :)
A Fall Frolic
A few weekends ago Ryan and I enjoyed a beautiful fall hike at
It was the most beautiful day! After church, we headed home to pack up a picnic lunch and a few bottles of water, and we were off! The weather was great, with just a slight chill in the air, autumn was here! We hiked for about 6 miles and were quite exhausted when we were finished. What a beautiful and perfect day!
Thursday, October 8, 2009

It's Thursday night October 8th and we're ready for some HUSKER FOOTBALL!!!! With Nebraska ranked 21 and Missouri ranked 24th it should be a good battle between the Huskers and the Tigers. Mike and Sara are headed over tonight to enjoy a good meal before the game begins. We've been looking forward to Thursday night all week! GOOD LUCK HUSKERS!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
See You Soon Baby Moon
My cousin Nikki has got to be one of the cutest mommies-to-be out there! I attended a baby shower for Nikki this last weekend, where we got to see her cute tiny baby bump, enjoy some cake and open pretty pink presents. I can't wait to meet Baby Girl Moon in a little over a month! Congrats Scott and Nikki, we are so happy for you!

mmmmm...peanut butter cookies
Peanut butter cookies have got to be one of our all time favorite types of cookies. After a long weekend of lounging and enjoying the fall weather, it was time for a project. At around 7:00 last Sunday night Ryan decided he was in the mood for some peanut butter cookies, and I just happened to agree. After a quick trip to our neighborhood Bag N Save, it was time for some cookie baking!
I mixed the batter and got all of the prep work ready and then it was time for Ryan to help. He was the criss crosser and sugar shaker, and he did such a fabulous job! After a good bake in the 350 degree oven we had warm, soft, yummy peanut butter cookies.
I took a dozen to work on Monday morning, and by 10:00 AM they were all gone! I guess next time I'll have to bring a few dozen!

I mixed the batter and got all of the prep work ready and then it was time for Ryan to help. He was the criss crosser and sugar shaker, and he did such a fabulous job! After a good bake in the 350 degree oven we had warm, soft, yummy peanut butter cookies.
I took a dozen to work on Monday morning, and by 10:00 AM they were all gone! I guess next time I'll have to bring a few dozen!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!
Ryan and I have been training for our run, and this past Sunday it was FINALLY here! After realizing that we’re probably not marathon runners, the 10K was our new running goal. I’m proud to say that Ryan finished in 1:01:04 and I finished in 1:01:13! Now if Ryan would only RUN HOME from Denver that would be GREAT! Ryan has been in Denver for business since Monday and I think I’m going crazy at our place all alone! Come home soon hunny!
New Curtains
Yes, we’ve been in our apartment now for over 9 months and we just decided on curtains for the living room. Although apartment living can sure throw a curveball into your design aesthetic. After learning that putting more holes in apartment walls = less money from your deposit, we came up with a new solution for hanging curtains. Curtain Rod + 3M Command Hooks + Curtain = Viola! A hanging strategy that easily comes off when you need it and doesn’t damage the walls!

Monday, September 21, 2009
Playing Cards
Mike and Sara came over a few weekends ago and we had such a great time. We played an exhilarating round of spades that lasted about two hours! And of course what do you do after a crazy card game, watch a little Bear Grylls “Man Vs. Wild” and then head off to bed at 10:00. Crazy weekend! I guess we’re both old married couples now.

Friday, September 11, 2009
Puppy Chow
Last night we made puppy chow! Although it is ridiculously delicious, we need to start lowering our portion size. Last time we made puppy chow, we made a double batch and it was gone within the week. We were hoping to make this batch last longer, but after "sampling" it last night after we made it, I proceeded to watch Ryan eat puppy chow for breakfast this morning...and then I packed it for both of our lunches today. What can we say? We're puppy chow obsessed!

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Labor Day Weekend
It seems like we had been planning a girls trip to San Diego forever, each of us (mom, brie and amberly) were looking forward to it for so long, and then it went by WAY too FAST! A little background...Brie (Amberly's sister) is getting married next March in San Diego, CA, where Brie lives now. For mom's birthday gift the kids decided that it would be a great present for her to fly out to San Diego and see where the wedding events would take place! So...Friday, Sept. 4th we headed out to the west coast!
It was mom's second time flying, but she did really great this time! We got the chance to see Brie's reception and ceremony spaces, helped Brie pick out a bridal gown, and had a bridal luncheon with the other bridesmaids. We also got the opportunity to take a Sea World tour, got in a little shopping, had breakfast in Ocean Beach, and got our sunbathing in on Labor Day. Overall a GREAT trip! We can't wait to go back next year!
While Amberly was away, Ryan enjoyed his Labor Day at Lake Okoboji with his family. Lots of hanging out, water skiing, and even came home with some yummy banana bread!
We're looking forward to a run tonight and for Husker and Vikings Football this weekend!!!! Go BIG RED and SKOL VIKINGS!

It was mom's second time flying, but she did really great this time! We got the chance to see Brie's reception and ceremony spaces, helped Brie pick out a bridal gown, and had a bridal luncheon with the other bridesmaids. We also got the opportunity to take a Sea World tour, got in a little shopping, had breakfast in Ocean Beach, and got our sunbathing in on Labor Day. Overall a GREAT trip! We can't wait to go back next year!
While Amberly was away, Ryan enjoyed his Labor Day at Lake Okoboji with his family. Lots of hanging out, water skiing, and even came home with some yummy banana bread!
We're looking forward to a run tonight and for Husker and Vikings Football this weekend!!!! Go BIG RED and SKOL VIKINGS!

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