Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Happy Early Halloween!!

Ryan and I decided that we would start our own tradition and carve pumpkins this year just like we did when we were kids. Our pumpkin adventure began with a trip to the grocery store to pick out the best pumpkins. I picked out a cute medium sized pumpkin, and Ryan picked out one of the largest of the bunch. What we didn't realize about these pumpkins is that they had been sitting outside for the past couple of weeks...with the colder weather we've been having, they were a bit frozen, which would make our task a tad more difficult.

After working hard to get all of the gunk out, we decided to create our masterpieces. But first it was pumpkin seed time. Our recipe said to let the pumpkin seeds dry overnight, but if you know us...we're not patient people. So we improvised (see pictures below) and in 15 minutes the seeds were dry and ready for preparation!

After about 45 minutes of carving and beautifying our pumpkins, it was time for apple cider and the big reveal. We turned off all the lights in the apartment and lit the candles inside. It was very exciting, verrry exciting! We hope you all have a Happy Halloween!

Ryan Starts to Cut into his pumpkin

We were being silly. I think Ryan is trying to give me a hat here.

When in doubt...use the blow dryer.

Or even better yet, TWO blowdryers.

Our Finished Pumpkins!

They are sooo spooky!

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