Happy Belated Easter from the Austad's!
Celebrating a lot of "firsts" this year has been quite exciting! So far, our first Valentine's Day, and Easter together. Those wonderful celebrations also come with the wonderful weekend relaxation, full tummies of home cooked meals, and of course the decision of where to go and celebrate. As the year continues I'm sure we'll develop new traditions of our own and continue to visit both of our families in Sioux Falls and Columbus. Although...newlyweds and engaged couples be prepared to realize you have to learn how to share time between both sides! We're definitely learning that and enjoying our precious time with family! As for now, nothing too exciting to report. Ryan survived his first week of bootcamp at work, and wedding season for our friends and family starts this week! With wedding number 2 of 9 for the year this weekend! Happy Easter and Happy Spring to all of you!
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