Friday, June 4, 2010

Furniture Conundrum

When we first moved into our apartment the week before we were married we were lucky enough to have furniture ready and waiting for us. See, Ryan's sister Sara was looking to unload her wonderful and oh-so-comfy couches, and we were in need of living room furniture. It was a match made in heaven. These couches (a love seat and a sofa) have been through the last year and a half with us. They have doubled as a couch bed when guests came to stay, and they have been host to many game nights, lost popcorn kernels, and Ryan's Wedding Ring.

But it is now time to bid them adieu. In all honesty, we had hoped to keep this furniture and use it in our great room in the main living area upstairs. But after careful calculations of the space...they just won't fit. They are super deep...measuring in at 44". Ryan and I scratched our noggins and tried to figure out what we would do with them. And then the phone rang (yeah yeah, it didn't exactly happen like that...but you get the idea). Melissa, Ryan's sister, was in need of furniture. She has just graduated from college and is moving into an apartment. Voila!!!

We will miss these wonderful green couches...but they are going to another wonderful home. Passed down from sibling to sibling, I guess Melissa's just going to have to keep them until Abbie moves out! :)

Now...for a look back on all of the couch memories.

Mom and Dad enjoyed game night on the Couch

Margarita Night on the Couch

Ring in the Couch

Great Ideas on the Couch

Friends on the Couch

Couch watches as Ryan Hunts Easter Eggs

The Infamous couch Bed

We'll Miss you Couches!

1 comment:

Dave Austad said...

Melissa is very excited to get such a valueable piece of furniture. I'm sure she will add to the "couch stories".