We ordered our blinds at Blindsgalore.com a few weeks before moving into the house. We had a professional come and measure the windows so we knew that the blinds would be the correct measurements. Not that I didn't trust our amazing measuring tape skills...it just gave us a little more piece of mind. The blinds showed up on our doorstep this past Tuesday...and came in 7 large and heavy boxes. They were daunting....VERY daunting. At first, I was seriously contemplating calling up an installer and paying the fee to have him install them all. But then my wonderful and optimistic husband instilled a little motivation in me by saying, "Remember all those home improvement projects you've been excited about?" So, there it was, I bit my tongue and we started on the basement blinds.
We had started our little project by planning on completing the 2 basement windows, those were flush mount and should have been the easiest. The first one took the longest, at around 40 minutes. But after that we were breezing through them! We ended up hanging all of the blinds in the house (a total of 8) within a 4 hour span! Once we had a groove, we just kept on truckin' along.
With our trust Root Beer in hand, we were happy to sit back and take a look at our newest completed project. What do you think?
Step 1: Gather all necessary materials. Instructions, hardware, pencil, screwdriver and Root Beer.

Step 3: Place Blinds on Hardware and close shut, figure out tricky valance.

Step 4: Still...Figure out that Tricky Valance

Step 5: valance installed, try out the blind pulls

Step 6: Try out the tilt feature.

Step 7: Show off the blinds!

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