The family love just keeps on flowing! Any time there are cousins that are home from a far distance our families get together. Not just my mom's side or just my dad's but everyone together! Thankfully there was enough room for all of them at the Holiday Inn in Columbus. This is where we gathered on Saturday, Jan. 8th to celebrate Tyson and Meggan and Brie and Jason's visit home to Nebraska.
Crock pots were warm with cocktail weenies, Swedish meatballs, cheese and hamburger dips. Veggie trays and crab dips, sugar cookies and cakes all adorned the food tables. Each aunt, cousin, and friend of the family brought something to share. This is something I'll definitely miss when we're living in Minnesota. While I hear that Minnesotan hospitality is fantastic, I will miss being able to head out to each and every family gathering. Or... will I just miss the cheese dip? :)

My Aunt Vikki, Mom and Cousin Kristi
(Ty and Meggan gave her that hat- she doesn't usually wear it around)
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