As with most life events, things take some getting used to. I went from being Mrs. Homemaker to Mrs. Career-woman in the short span of 4 weeks. My normal days of doing laundry, cleaning house and making supper turned to waking up early to beat the traffic, working through lunch to get ahead of the game, and staying late to be sure every need of my work day was met. Thankfully, my family and I have adjusted fantastic. Our normal routine now consists of this:
(if you're not much for schedules, feel free to scroll down to the next section)
5:45 AM- wake up with Lola, feed her and take her for a walk
6:30 AM- jump in the shower, eat breakfast, make Ryan's lunch
7:30 AM- head to work (try and beat some of the traffic on 494)
8:10 AM- make it to the office after finding a sweet spot on the 2nd level of the parking garage
around Noon- make some time to microwave my lunch and catch up on email
6:00 PM- head home
6:45 PM- greet Lola and the hubs, and finish dinner (my wonderful husband has been doing his best to read my "supper schedule" and get dinner started)
7:30 PM- relax and enjoy the evening (watch some DVR, tidy up the house)
10:00 PM- head to bed
Ryan and I often say after an exhausting day, how do we do this? And we congratulate parents with children who not only complete the schedule above, but who also take kids to dance practice or t-ball, attend parent/teacher meetings, and help with homework. I think its safe to say we are waiting a few more years for kiddos.
As for Lola, she is also adjusting nicely. I think she enjoys mom time in the morning and having dad all to herself in the evenings, before family time commences after dinner. She has been very brave lately, pushing the limits to see what she can get away with. The other night, I found her here in our formal living room.
She loves this chair, and we have dubbed it "Lola's spot." Maybe its the fact that its leather and its cool to the touch, or that its brown and she subtly blends in. It could also be the fact that she can look out the front window and watch the kids play in the driveway. Either way, we're letting her stay and enjoy it before she is far too big to fit there.
1 comment:
That sounds like a CRAZY schedule! Although I will say that being new puppy parents ourselves, our life schedule has definitely changed too. Hopefully you get some time to relax on the weekends!
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