Memorial Day weekend was over a month ago, but hey this post is better late than never right?
For our first Memorial Day weekend in Minneapolis, we had some visitors- My parents!!! It was their maiden voyage to Minneapolis (my dad had only driven through once), so we were ready to show them a good time. They brought along a playmate for Lola- their beagle, Zoey.My parents didn't plan to leave until Noon on Saturday morning, but because they couldn't sleep because of excitement the night before, they woke up around midnight and decided to leave then. Gotta love 'em. It was safe to say that when they arrived Saturday morning they were dog tired (pun completely intended). So they decided to crash for an hour while Ryan and I took the pups for a good long walk around the lake.

After our walk, we all cleaned up and got ready to head downtown where we visited Colle+McVoy, the sculpture gardens and took in some Pizza Luce before heading to the Twins game.
It was a gorgeous night, and a perfect night to watch a win for the Twins! However the family in front of us was quite the entertainment. 4 young children all under the age of 4 that received anything they asked for- hot dogs, popcorn, cinnamon bread, cotton candy, nachos, etc. We wish we could've seen what they were like that evening! ha
The next day, we took another walk around the lake (we've got plenty of lakes around us up north) and then visited Minnehaha Falls where we ate our fish tacos al fresco at a restaurant called Sea Salt before heading to the Mall of America to experience the wonder that is the largest Mall in all 50 states! We had such a great time with my parents and we hope they come back again soon!
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