Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Poopy Paws

We all enjoy a good laugh from time to time. This time- enjoy a laugh on me. (warning: Poop is involved, read ahead, but you've been warned)

Last night, I returned home from work before Ryan-which is a rare occasion. I let Lola out of her kennel and we both headed down the stairs to grab some dinner- dog food for her, cereal for me. It was a nice chill fall evening, so Ryan and I decided it would be fun to go for a short walk. It had been drizzling all day so the ground was a bit wet, but Lola didn’t mind she was a happy pup. It was such a perfect night. (foreshadowing?)

Ryan and I were pumped to watch the Monday night season premiers of How I Met Your Mother and Two and a Half Men, so we sped up the pace as the sun set. Usually after our walks, Lola conks out on the kitchen or dining room floor for the rest of the evening. But last night was a different story. I’m not sure where her energy came from but Lola was HYPER dog! We started the first show and after a minute into it -pause goes the DVR. Lola was jumping up on the couch and begging to play fetch- we were tired and just wanted to veg. So- it was time for her peanut butter braided bone.

Exhibit A:

These are her favorite (thanks to cousin Ole for letting her try one out first) and they usually last her a good hour or so.

But alas the peanut butter braid didn’t work last night. She chewed on it for a good 15 minutes and then was at it again, jumping up on the couch and running around like a mad woman. Pause the DVR again.

So….outside she goes. Usually when Lola has a good amount of energy, she’ll run it off in the back yard. She runs from one side of the house to the other, through the jungle (what I affectionately call the mess of weeds on one side of our house), back up to the deck and around again.

We thought we had the problem solved- she was outside and she was running, two of her favorite things. Play the DVR.

Minutes later she was back on the deck begging to come in the house. Pause the DVR yet again. I opened the back door and let her in, and told Ryan I would sit with her on the floor and play fetch if that was the only way she would calm down. Until….sniff…sniff…sniff…poopy. My hyperactive nose was on that smell like white on rice. I smelled poopy and it was coming from Lola. I grabbed her paws and found...

Exhibit B:

Poopy paws

(I spared you the gross depiction of the actual poopy paws, plus I wasn’t about to take a picture of that)

She must've slipped because of the rain and stepped in her own poo. Out of all the places? I picked up Lola, (and at 55 pounds its getting harder and harder to do) and I brought her into the kitchen. Here I was the surgeon and Ryan so sweetly helped out. Paper Towel STAT, Plastic Bag STAT, more soapy paper towels please!

We didn’t have time to grab the camera, but Ryan grabbed my phone and the low res pictures above say it all…that little black fur ball in between my knees, that’s lola- the poopy paws culprit. The worst part about it, was that I worked for a good 10 minutes trying to get the poop out of her nails and it wouldn’t budge. I needed backup- to the bathtub!

As I lugged Lola up the stairs she proceeded to stretch and so lovingly transferred the poopy onto my white cardigan and than again all the way down my jeans. It really was a moment between her and I. just a lovely lovely moment. I placed her in the tub and turned on the water, asked Ryan to get a towel and one of my old kitchen scrubbers…this was dirty work.

Since I was now covered head to toe in poop, with a hyper dog in the bathtub, there was no other logical way to clean her up but to get in the tub with her (feet only, mind you). So in my finest moment, I was standing in the tub in my underwear scrubbing the life out of my puppy’s poopy paws. Ryan laughed so hard when he saw the scene.

Thankfully the bathtub plan worked and Lola was squeaky clean after a good scrubbing. Finally….we pushed play on the DVR and got to watch the rest of our shows. I couldn’t have made that story up if I wanted to, but I’ll never forget it. : )

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