We spent Christmas 2011 in Columbus this year with my Mom, Dad and brother, Jared. We have celebrated Christmases with my family in past years, but it has never been on the actual date, and since Ryan and I have been married we haven't been back to Columbus for a traditional Thomas Family Christmas- so we decided that 2011 was the year!
We headed south on Thursday the 22nd, and got into Columbus around dinner time. It was plenty of time to chat and hang out before we turned in for the night.
Friday the 23rd, Ryan and I did a little shopping and that evening we took Ryan to one of Columbus' finest restaurants- El Matador. Its not really that fancy, but he kept hearing about the good Mexican food in Columbus, so we obliged by taking him to one of our favorites. We all had margaritas to toast a Christmas together in Columbus!

My mom had heard about a house in town that was doing Christmas lights on their house timed to music. So, of course after we had margaritas, we had to check it out. It was pretty good- and it wasn't amateur at all, so we stayed for 15 minutes and enjoyed.

That evening, Ryan and I also went to have a drink with my good friend Kelly. Kelly and I met in 7th grade and we played the flute in our middle school band. We were great friends through Middle School and High School, on the football cheerleading squad together and in colorguard as well. It was so fun to reconnect and hear all about her life in D.C. and her plans for the future.

We were quite the chatty Cathy's during our Columbus trip, because we also met up with our friends Laura & Kevin the next morning, for a little Christmas Eve coffee. Laura and I were in Chi Omega together in college, and I was in their wedding, almost 5 years ago! Wow- are we even old enough to be married 5 years? That's crazy! It was great to see those 2 and hear all about their lives in Lincoln.

Christmas Eve Day was pretty low key, which was fantastic! However, my mom was singing at Midnight Mass, so we had to do our best not to fall asleep before church. We got all gussied up and went to mass, and came home around 1:15. We all put on our pjs and headed to bed.
Christmas morning was a lot of what I remembered. But of course as adult children we weren't as anxious to unwrap presents. We had an early morning video chat with my sister and brother and his fiance, so the whole family was together :)

However, when the chat was over, Miss Lola was pretty excited to get those presents unwrapped.

She even got in on the present giving and gave Zoey a new toy reindeer- how sweet of her! And just how did she go shopping without me knowing it? I wonder where she puts her purse? :)

Ryan opened a new argyle sweater and promptly tried it on and made sure to have a photoshoot- naturally.

Then it was time to take a small break in the action and make the annual Thomas Family Cheese Tray. Jared is usually in charge of this now that Tyson is in Colorado, so here is what he came up with this year. Even some grated cheese on the top for snow! very nice!

Lola opened a present from Zoey- and devoured it right away- it was a yummy bone!

Opening Christmas presents was hard work- I tell ya! But we all came away with some pretty great things that have already come in use. Lola really got into the Christmas spirit by eating and wearing some of the wrapping bows.

After a Christmas Dinner, it was nice enough to even take a walk! That's definitely a first for Christmas in Nebraska. It was probably 50 degrees as the sun was setting and the dogs were loving that they were able to get outside and get some exercise. We went to a movie to round out things on Christmas Day- Sherlock Holmes, and definitely enjoyed some family time sitting, drinking coffe and chatting around the dining room table.

Sadly, our time in Columbus came to an end on the 26th and Lola had to say goodbye to her buddy Zoey. But I'm sure we'll be back soon enough! Hope you all had a very merry Christmas!