But the last time Ryan was out of town, I went on a complete crafting craze. I remember thinking to myself on Sunday afternoon after he left that I should head to Michael's and get a few things to make a springy wreath. Well....springy wreath turned into blue vase, which turned into yarn balls, which turned into styling the mantle in our fireplace room and then finally sewing some decoration onto some pillows. I'm ridiculous, I do realize this. But once she gets goin' you better watch out! :)
Here's the real project I started with- a springy wreath. It was super easy. I took a foam core wreath, some robin's egg blue ribbon, and made these little cloth button flowers and voila! In less than 20 minutes I had me a wreath! It hangs on the door to our house. (there's more to come on the cloth flowers, but I have a gift that hasn't been sent yet and don't want to spoil the surprise)

After the wreath, I was trolling around the house trying to find something else to do. I completely overestimated the time it would take to make the wreath, so I was bored. I get bored easily. So I found my plethora of vases in the upstairs guest room and decided one of them needed to be blue. why not? I found some blue craft paint that I had from a previous project and just squirted some inside the vase.

After taking a foam brush to the insides of the vase, it turned out like this.

While at Michael's, I had picked up some yarn to make yarn balls for spring. And since my last two projects took less than 40 minutes to complete, I figured I could whip up some yarn balls too. Wow- I never thought I'd hear that sentence come out of my mouth. haha. This project definitely took some time and a few trials to get it exactly right.

I let the glue dry over night and popped the balloons the next morning. They turned out pretty cute, and they now reside on the mantle with the blue vase. After adding a few other blue/green/yellow accents, my mantle was complete.

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