Monday, October 8, 2012

Summer Recap :: Part 1

Before we get too far into fall and pumpkins and baby stuff (oh yeah, I'm pregnant), I wanted to recap our summer fun in 3 quick and easy picture posts.

Our summer was FANTASTIC- since the weather this February/March was pretty mild, the nice weather started nice and early this year and lasted all the way through September. So really, we feel like we had a good 6 month summer this year. Shocking in Minnesota, I know.

But alas, here's the recap....

I did a good amount of work on C+M's rooftop, again it was gorgeous, so why not?

I celebrated one year at Colle+McVoy...

...made cupcakes for a friend's bridal shower....

 ...we took a summer walk....

....and then another, and another and another...

...I bought flowers to usher in spring...they died. I don't have much of a green thumb...

...but I fancied up the front stoop....

....and we got lots and lots of updates of these two babes.

I celebrated my 27th birthday (wow I'm getting old)...

Ryan and I ran a 1/2 marathon...on my birthday...

I met this little lady for the first time. She wasn't in the mood for a meet n greet.

my brother got married... (I'll do a full post about that later).
We enjoyed a baseball game- GO TWINS! but the guy behind us didn't.

 We spent Memorial Day at the lake- and Lola took care of the bow.

...and Lola also chased after some ducks in the pond near our home...thankfully she didn't catch any dinner.

 And the crazy thing is, that's just through the end of May. It looks like we were busy this summer! Part 2 to come soon :)

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