Ryan and I spent the Christmas weekend with the Austad family in Sioux Falls. This year all of us were able to be together for Christmas! Last year, Ryan and I spent Christmas in Sioux Falls and Sara and Mike were supposed to as well....however, with the wonderful Christmas Eve/Day snowstorm that ensued last year they were stuck in Omaha. Since we switch Christmases with our families we thought that both our Christmas visits and Mike and Sara's Christmas visits would be opposite for the years to come.
But I guess that's the planners in us, and we shouldn't think too far in advance. Because we got great news this summer that my brother Tyson and his girlfriend Meggan, and my sister, Brie and her husband, Jason were all able to join us for a Christmas celebration in January instead! So...we were off to Sioux Falls for Christmas 2010 too!
Christmas was a blast! Thursday evening the 23rd we all headed out for dinner at Texas Roadhouse- yum yum! That evening, we were able to chill and watch movies to relax. Christmas Eve we went to the 5:30 church service and then met the rest of the extended Austad family for dinner, games and caroling. It was great to see aunts, uncles and cousins and be able to just enjoy the chatter of everyone. The youngest kids are growing up so fast!
Christmas day was fun too, we checked out our stockings and each opened up one present before we had our Christmas brunch. Egg bake, cinnamon rolls, cheesy potatoes, and fruit were just a few of the items on the menu. After brunch, we opened up the rest of our presents. Ryan received a power drill and a drill set (which will come in handy for both of us!) and I received a garmin gps to find my way around when we move to the cities! That afternoon we headed to tut hill to do some sledding, came back home to eat another wonderful dinner and played games and watched movies.
All in all, it was a really nice and relaxing Christmas weekend. I love this time of year because everything seems so warm and cozy. I haven't taken down the Christmas decorations at our house yet, we're waiting until our company comes to keep the holiday cheer flowing. We hope you all had a great Christmas!
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