Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas Cookies and Holiday Hearts

I used to have a record player when I was little. :) yep-a record player. And no-I'm not 60 years old. But I loved that record players soooo much! I remember I had Christmas books on record and Christmas themed records that I would haul out during Christmas time.

I would dance around with my Carebears and Cabbage Patch dolls and sing until my heart's delight. Last week as I was decorating my Christmas cookies (and Ryan was intently watching football), a familiar song popped into my head:

"Christmas cookies and holiday hearts
That's the way the holiday starts
Christmas cookies and holiday hearts
Goody goody yum yum yum"

Corny? Yes! But it happened to be a song from one of my records! Listen here.

Ah- to be a kid again! :)

And not to leave you hanging on the Christmas goodies- here are a few I came up with this year. I had my official taste tester, Ryan, help me out with the final product- and he approved. However, he did mention the other day that a few of the cookies needed more frosting. Next year babe!

I had a bear cookie cutter that I was really excited about making polar bears with. After decorating all of the other cookies- I was spent, so the bears got just a drizzle of frosting instead. Don't mind the green bears.

Gingerbread Men! And...Sugar Daddies? :)
Note: next year, only make the gingerbread men out of the gingerbread dough.

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