Sometimes you forget the impression you are giving off to others. Until those "others" are 4 years old. You saw Isa in my post about flash forward to the Austad family future. She is a doll, and is so spunky and full of energy- she kind of reminds me of me as a kid. Always singing, dancing and being active. When I arrived at the super bowl party a few weeks ago, Isa waved hello and then I conversed with everybody while enjoying some yummy football food.
About 10 minutes later, Miss Isa bounced down the stairs and came over to me. She had changed her outfit- which isn't surprising coming from a rambunctious 4 year old. She looked at me and said- "You need white socks." I was quite confused by her comment, until after I looked at her new outfit. She had changed into jeans, found a dress to go over it, and even buckled everything together with a heart shaped belt. She had gone upstairs to dress just like me! Isa had even asked her sister to use her straightening iron to go the extra mile. But her curls are just too darn cute.
To sum it all up, here's a poem. I gave this poem to my dancers at their very first home football game- to remind them that they are always a role model for precious little girls that may be watching. But I think its a good reminder for parents too.
There are little eyes upon you and they’re watching you night and day. There are little ears that quickly take in every word you say. There are little hands all eager to do anything you do; And little girl who’s dreaming of the day she’ll be like you. You’re the little girl’s idol, you’re the wisest of the wise. In her little mind about you no suspicions ever rise. She believes in you devoutly, holds all that you say and do; She will say and do, in your way, when she grows up like you. There’s a wide eyed little girl who believes you’re always right; And her eyes are always opened, and she watches day and night. You are setting an example every day in all you do, For the little girl who’s waiting to grow up to be like you.

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