Like I mentioned in
this post, I don't seem to have a lot of photos of Lola and myself. I'm usually the one behind the camera capturing the memories. So while Ryan and Lola have a myriad of pictures together, there are rare moments when I get a picture with Lola too.
I'm doing my best to help the situation and instead of just hoping that Ryan or someone else will take the picture, I'm reverting back to my high school and early college years and asking "would you take a picture of us." Its not that its the picture itself that matters, but the memory that goes along with it.
My father in law is a photographer that has been able to catch some great images of us as a family and we always joke with him that if there isn't a photo of the didn't happen. :) I know this isn't true, but I'm a visual person. So when I see an image that I love dearly of a time in life that may span months or years back it cues up my memory and brings me back to that time.
Like this one:

This is a photo from my 21st birthday, the end of our Junior year of college. Ryan and I were "just friends" at the time and had gone to a Fraternity/Sorority dance called the Country Club dance a few months prior. We were re-enacting a photo from that night. I say that this is the moment when I knew we were something more, even though we didn't officially start dating until 4-5 months later. I love this picture, because to me it signifies something new...our future together before we even knew it.
And this one:

Pardon the scantily clad-ness, we were on the beach after all. This picture makes me smile every time I see it. I'm not sure what was just said, but we're both laughing and happy. We were definitely already in love here, and 6 months later we were engaged.
And finally, this last one:
This one melts my heart

This is me and my dad. And if you haven't already heard the story. This was the night of our wedding rehearsal. We were running around most of the day and finally the rehearsal was about to begin. My fantastic personal attendant and great friend, Laura Farrell, was lining us all up to enter the church. One by one the bridesmaids and groomsmen started entering. When my sister and Nik (our maid of honor and best man) were the next to leave my dad suck out his elbow for me to hang onto and we both looked at each other and started sobbing. We cried all the way down the aisle and then realized the enormity of the moment. I am so incredibly glad we have this picture.
And now, a recent shot. One of me and my baby, Lola.

Granted, her black fur makes her really hard to see, you can still pick out the whites of her eyes and her looking up at me. This is a great picture and one that I absolutely love, even though my nostril is the size of the moon.
So, I'm going to do a better job of asking for more pictures please. And hopefully you'll get to see a lot more of me and ryan or me and lola on here soon. :)