Sunday, October 17, 2010

Headbands and Rhinestones and Flowers, Oh My!

I really enjoy crafting. Whew...there, I said it. When taking a look at my banking transactions the other day...Hobby Lobby, Michael's and JoAnn's Fabric top the list for most frequent trips. (sorry Ryan) I would like to credit my love for crafting from my days as a little one at Vacation Bible School at St. Bonaventure Catholic Church. You see, they would have this wonderful week of "VBS" every summer, where kids learned bible stories in their classrooms, had music class (with my mom), and even had a special part of the day devoted to making crafts.

There it is, the main reason for my infatuation with all things bright, shiny and iridescent. I remember the craft ladies putting out stations for each crafter. A pool of Elmer's glue would sit on a paper plate along with brightly colored foam board, glittery star stickers and special tongue depressor sticks. We would all wait in a neat line until the craft ladies led us to our "special spot." My little palms would sweat and I would poke my head in to see what fantastic item we were making for the day. The excitement for my 5 year old self was too much.

I remember taking home bright pink crosses, paper butterflies, and a special peanut butter pine cone for a bird feeder. I'm not sure if it was the sense of accomplishment that made it so exciting or the look on my mom and dad's face when they saw the masterpiece I had created. Either way it was pretty awesome.

I still get excited about crafts today, and when it came to the option of making headbands for my dancers lyrical piece or buying them from a department store, I opted for the handmade version. With a standard plastic black headband, clear rhinestones, a glue gun, black chiffon, and silver beads in tow, I created a one of a kind look that no other dance team is going to have. I was a little nervous to bring them to a very opinionated group of teenage girls, but thankfully they loved them! And I can't wait to see them perform.

Here are a few pictures. Sorry for the blurriness, our stand in camera doesn't have quite the crispness that our Canon had.

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