Friday, September 17, 2010

Thanks for Reading Ty

Ryan and I were pondering the other day how many people actually read this blog? I know that I mostly write for my entertainment and to chronicle the little things that we do in our day to day and week to week activities, but we've heard through many of you that you enjoy reading our blog. So there must be more than just 1 or 2 (me and ryan) reading it right?

Well...I figured there must be a way to check those kind of stats and by golly there was a whole stats tab at the top of blogger! I was elated when I saw it and was even more surprised at the results. We have more readers than I thought! In the month of August, there were 408 page views! WOWZA! I had no idea that you all enjoy our craziness so much....hehe.

Anyway...I digress, the handy-dandy stats tab also shows demographically where your viewers are from. Our map indicated that most of our readers were from the U.S. (which we expected)...but there are a few from Canada and also readers from Africa! :) Or maybe I should say reader singular. I knew exactly who that person was so I just wanted to send a little shout-out to our favorite temporary Malian- my brother Tyson. Thanks for reading Ty!

Have a great weekend everybody!

Here's the page image of our map...see that tiny green mark in Africa? That's where my brother is at the moment.


Katherine said...

I read too!!!
Thanks for sharing the info about the "stats" option - I had no idea!
It's nice to know that someone is appreciating my writing :-)

Kelly said...

*sigh* now it's official that I'm a stalker. :)

mackenzie lorene said...

okay this post just totally made me search for the stats page and found it. YIKES!! who knew?? I have pageviews in Italy, Netherlands, Singapore and Canada! WHAT?! The only person i know in any of those countries is Singapore ad it's because Makenzie is there... haha! Regardless, i'm totally now following your blog and excited to hear of your fun updates! :)