WARNING: a ridiculous amount of pictures follows...
On the road again-- luckily we have a very good traveler. Lola has been so good just going with the flow and jumping in the car on these long trips. She hasn't had a problem with car sickness lately, so we're crossing our fingers that that's done with!

Our first stop was Omaha. Where I got to meet my new puppy nephew- Manny, and hang out with Mike and Sara! With all of the puppy play, we forgot to snap a few pictures. Then it was off to Columbus the next morning!
My cousin, Kristi's wedding was Friday, July 1st, and the girl cousins got to work decorating that morning.

My mom made the beautiful beach themed caked.

And we had some great food! It was nice to hang out with my parents and just see them having a blast. Especially on the dance floor!

And Brynn decided to forget about her love of raisins and boogie down with us.

We tried to take a cousin picture...but with the ever-expanding families...it was a tough one to get. This is one of the best ones I have. It makes me laugh to see cousins corraling their children :)

Everyone had such a great time!
The next day, we were off to Lincoln for the Krueger/Hansen wedding. It was great to reconnect with college friends and reminisce about silly moments we've all had together.
We even got a little husband/wife photo!
And we hung out with the bride and groom- Congrats Kruegers!
And we ended the night with sparklers outside to celebrate Independence Day and the new bride and groom.
In the morning, we were off to Okoboji, IA to spend 4th of July with the Austad clan. It was a very low key 4th of July- one of the most relaxed I've had in years.
Austad Family Photo Op with Lola (she wasn't quite feeling herself after her surgery and yes, she is wearing a t-shirt to protect her stitches)
Overall, it was a fantastic long weekend...and it went out with a bang!

We even got a little husband/wife photo!

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