Friday, December 23, 2011

50 Posts in 9 Days!

Well folks I'm getting caught up. As you can probably see I have been blogging like CRAZY lately! My main goal: to be finished blogging 2011 before 2012 begins! So that means I have 50 posts to take care of in the next 9 days, averaging at the least 5 posts per day.

I think I can.
I think I can.
I think I can.
I think I can.

If you read regularly you might want to stop on by once at the end of the day just to get a good recap of all posts for the day- it'll be like little stocking stuffers every 24 hours!

And since I know that 2012 has a lot in store, including the birth of our first nieces and my brother's wedding, I'll do my best to keep up regularly from now on. I promise...scout's honor.

So just imagine me like this for the next few days:

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