Saturday, December 31, 2011

Okoboji Swimming

Lola loves to swim, that's no surprise- we've seen her swim this summer in the lake by our house. She jumps right in and retrieves a stick no problem. But jumping out of a boat into the lake is a different story.

Labor Day we went to Lake Okoboji a few days before the family arrived to enjoy a little Lola swimming time just the 3 of us.

At first Lola was a bit apprehensive of the whole boat thing. She isn't very good with motion, as we know from her car rides, so we were worried that she might get sick on the boat. Thankfully, she didn't! Here she is checking out Ryan at the end of the boat.

Posing with Mom before getting even closer to the edge.

Once Ryan jumped in the lake, Lola realized it was OK and safe. So she jumped in too. With a little coercion from her favorite red water ball.

After the beginning jitters, she was a pro at swimming in the lake. Now she just needs to learn that when she's tired to go to the boat and not to one of us. You should've seen our shoulders all scratched up from her little nails! She'd swim over to one of us and use our shoulders to rest. It was pretty cute.

To dry off, we took a little ride around West Lake and Lola enjoyed the breeze.

A little family photo- or the best one we could get. :)

Lola definitely got used to being on the boat...we'll have to see what she thinks next year!

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